OK…so you might be wondering, “What is the deal with all of these posts about this darn Swoozie’s place??” Well, not only is it one of my favorite places, it will be the source of my next giveaway which starts TODAY!!!
Here’s the catch: You won’t really know what is up for grabs because I don’t even know! It’s up to YOU!! The goodie basket might include things like stationary, pens, wine glasses - fun stuff that is personalized for you - it's a surprise!! Here is how to play:
*step 1* Comment on this post to enter your name into the drawing (you don’t have to be a follower unless you just want to).
*step 2* In your comment, tell me a few of your favorite colors, mention some words that describe your personality and tell me a color you DON’T like! Add whatever you want me to know about you.
*step 3* Write a post that contains a link back to this post.
I will use whatever you tell me about yourself to put together some cute little things from Swoozie’s and a few other places – the more you tell me, the better! This giveaway will last a little longer so that people have time to enter and I have time to start getting some ideas – the winner will be chosen on March 11 (two weeks from today). Yay! I can’t wait to see who it will be!
*It is important to include that this is NOT sponsored by Swoozie’s in any way*
As always, feel free to email me ANYTIME about ANYTHING at shleeblog{at}gmail{dot}com
Here’s the catch: You won’t really know what is up for grabs because I don’t even know! It’s up to YOU!! The goodie basket might include things like stationary, pens, wine glasses - fun stuff that is personalized for you - it's a surprise!! Here is how to play:
*step 1* Comment on this post to enter your name into the drawing (you don’t have to be a follower unless you just want to).
*step 2* In your comment, tell me a few of your favorite colors, mention some words that describe your personality and tell me a color you DON’T like! Add whatever you want me to know about you.
*step 3* Write a post that contains a link back to this post.
I will use whatever you tell me about yourself to put together some cute little things from Swoozie’s and a few other places – the more you tell me, the better! This giveaway will last a little longer so that people have time to enter and I have time to start getting some ideas – the winner will be chosen on March 11 (two weeks from today). Yay! I can’t wait to see who it will be!
*It is important to include that this is NOT sponsored by Swoozie’s in any way*
As always, feel free to email me ANYTIME about ANYTHING at shleeblog{at}gmail{dot}com
how cute are you?! i've already shown just about every lady that i work with- that hilarious hot pink koozie!
well, i would LOVE to be entered into your giveaway.. here's my details! fave colors: turquoise and brown, pink, green and yellow. (can you tell im DYING for springtime?) my personality? bubbly! fun, energetic, spontaneous and sassy! Whew! A color I do NOT like? Purple.
I'll be sure to link a post back to your page! Hope you're having a great little Wednesday!
What a cute idea! All of their stuff is great!
I would love to be entered in the giveaway! Here you go:
My favorite colors are gray & light blue, silver, white. I would describe myself as fun, happy-go-lucky, sincere, and a bit sassy! I'm with Ashley and I also have an extreme dislike of the color purple and red!
I am posting a link now...thanks!
Oh I love their stuff!!!
So about me..hmm..My fav. colors are lime green, hot pink, yellow and orange. lol..I think you get the hint. I would describe myself as classy, fun, easy going, cheerful, and just a bubbly person. The color I dislike the most is brown. I like my colors. lol
I have already posted a link back to your page :)
You are so much fun!
My favorite colors are: Greens, Pinks, Blues, I really like most colors. Words that I think would best describe me are girlie, rustic, urban, vintage and laid back.
I love pink & brown. i dont like green, & i'm classy
What a great giveaway idea! My favorite colors are pink and green (and I don't like purple). I just think pink is so happy and feminine, like me, and green is its perfect preppy color compliment!
oh, and I included your giveaway on my sidebar!
Thanks so much for the blog award!!! I posted a link to this giveaway on my blog and here are the other deets:
My favorite colors are green and purple. There really aren't any colors I don't like - in the right setting, anything is good. :)
My personality: Random, Thoughtful, more introverted than extroverted, but really it can vary by the day. :)
I would like to enter! My favorite colors are pink & purple, my least favorite colors are brown and seafoam green.
Words to describe me would be: Energetic, Caring, Extravert, Outgoing, Talkative, Determined.
I linked it on my blog :)
Hey I got a wine glass from Zappy on Valentines day. I love it!!I can see after observing the kids yesterday that it will come in handy after a day with them! ha. I love that place too!!!
fav colors - black, pink and purple. I DON'T like that weird puke color yellow/green. I like green and I like yellow but not mixed. You know my personality :) Ok off to blog about your giveaway :)
I found your blog through I Love You More Than Carrots and think you are just too cute! I'd love to enter :)
My favorite colors are shades of blue, yellow, pink, and green.
Hmm...least favorite is orange?
My Husby describes me as fun, cheeky, lovable, outgoing, talkative, opinionated, silly, and creative.
I am a housewife-in-training (H.I.T.), a wife, a sister, a daughter, a lover, a friend, a cooker, a baker, a reader, a writer, a blogger, an extrovert, an introvert, an optimist, a wine enthusiast, a gourmand, a lover of life.
And, I've linked to your site. :)
Very fun giveaway!! Love it!! Well let's see...
I LOVE Pink & Green. I actually love it so much I used them as my wedding colors. I was determined to find green dresses - which were SUPER cute by the way. And I got the girls all pink shoes to go with their dresses. I myself have about 10 pairs of pink, hot pink, or include pink shoes. My least favorite color would have to be orange or yellow. I don't know, just not a fan of the citrus colors.
Okay- I am about to post a link to this giveaway to my blog.
What a precious giveaway!!!!
About me...oh dear. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Witty, giddy and a little overweight, LOLLLLL!!!!!! Very outgoing and love to make me some new friends!!! Love all things colorful, and love natural and earthy tone, but I also love some color!!!!
The color I would say to stay away from would be Orange. Just because it doesn't match anything I have in my home :)
And I have a post about this post!!!!
I'm a newbie to this blog! :)
Favorite color of all-time is Fuchsia. I like purples and teals too. There is not one single color that I do not like! :)
I love photography and my personality is just a "I live in my own little happy world" personality! :)
Thanks for this awesome offer. :)
Just happened to come across your blog. Your design is so cute and you and your hubs are both gorgeous!! I'd love to be enetered in your giveaway. That stuff is presh!!! I'm having a giveaway, too. Come check mine out!!
Oh, yes...I'm supposed to tell you what I want and what colors I like and what things I would like to win.
I DO NOT like the color purple. DOn't know why...just don't. I love green, red, brown, light pink and light blue.
I love the wine glasses and stationary. I love ALL things personalized!!
I will link a post to you on Monday when my giveaway ends. :)
YAY! I love anything blue but with blue love a bright green or deep brown. I also love red's:)
Not a big purple fan...I think it has to do with that being one of our school colors in middle school...
Personality-wise: out-going, personable, energetic and girlie!
Thank you for introducing me to my new favorite online store! I don't know how I've missed this one. Too bad I'm not rich. Maybe a second job wouldn't be a bad idea. They have so many cute cute stuff.
I love bright colors, especially hot pink. Theres really no color I don't like.
I'm girlie and fun. I'm also a teacher and love bags and stationary!
after my kitten broke one of my wine glasses..a new one would be great :) I'll post something about this on my sidebar!
My favortie colors are red and brown, pinks, yellows..light blue.
I'm very outgoing and bubbly. I love to laugh..can be sarcastic but not too much, only when appropriate ha. Girly but this girl LOVES sports! I'm polite, sweet and caring. ...i think that's enough--its starting to go to my head! jk
okay, the pink and green notecard with the "D" on it has my name all over it! ;-)
favorite color combos: pink & green or aqua and blue.....also like plain green & white.
LOVE Swoozies! Oh - you are close to one to there at SL Town Center. Jealous!
This giveaway is just too cute to pass up! Fabulous idea =)
I've had spring/summer on the brain for awhile now so the colors I am loving fit accordingly....anything bright and cheery: Pink, orange, lime green, turquoise, strawberry red....you know the ones. Colors I don't like are mustard yellow and that upchucky orange color...(I don't know how else to describe it).
As far as personality goes...I'd say I'm an energetic multitasker who loves all things girly, fashionable, and classy! I guess you could say I'm a tid-bit old fashioned as well =)
Oh, and one more thing...my first initial is A.
And with that, I'm off to link back to your post!
What an innovative way to conduct a giveaway.
Colors I do like--pink, navy, yellow, green, wine, white.
Colors not a big fan of- orange, lime green, brown, black, orangie-red.
I am pretty conservative. I am also one to state my opinion when I feel it is necessary. I am extremely responsible (having been the oldest of 7 sibling). I have had to endure a hard health issue and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. My sister had met a hard health issue head-on as well. I am loyal. I also try hard for people to be happy perhaps at the detriment of myself sometimes.
This is such a cute giveaway!
Some of my favorite colors are: light turquoise, yellow, green, pink.. really any bright spring color!!
Colors I don't like: Maroon and Navy Blue. Since I'm getting super excited about spring & summer, I'm not really into the darker colors right now.
My personality: happy, fun, energetic, sassy, simple, and classic. I love a good glass of wine (I don't drink beer) I love stationary & I'm addicted to post it notes and other types of paper.
Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!! I linked to you in my left sidebar! :)
This giveaway is so fun!
My fav colors are pink, green, and white. I really dont like purple that much becuase I used to be obsessed with it. Too much of a good thing :). I am preppy and love the beach.
Thanks for doing this giveaway. I hope I win!
Favorite colors: Purple, purple, and more purple! (I guess blue and silver could come after purple).
Me: Fun, caring, loving, adventurous, HAPPY!
Color I am not so fond of: Red. Not sure why, never really enjoyed the color (but can be good with the right accent colors).
just found your blog! its so cute! what a great giveaway!
i now follow...
i love pink and green, and pink and blue, and blue and orange...
i hate the color purple for the most part...
i think im bubbly, and im a glass half full kinda gal (most of the time, haha...), and im super organized; those were the first things that came to my mind to describe myself!
OHHH SWOOZIES! A girl after my own heart!
My fave color is pink [duh!], and my real first name [which shockingly DOES exist :)] starts with an S.
How FUN!
I hope I win. I love Swoozies, stationery, and basically all goodies.
Ohh, so prettyyy!
My favorite colors are pink and yellow. My soon-to-be last name will begin with a C!
Such a goood giveaway!!!
I just found your blog. Great giveaway idea! Fav colors-pinks, greens, browns, blues. I am really into the modernish combos. I love Swoozies so anything from there is wonderful. I am trying to be an organized person in my hectic life right now. I also feel like I am an outgoing, personable, optimistic person. Colors I don't love: red and purple
Oh, I am working on a post about your giveaway!
This is such a fabulous give away!!! I love surprises!!!!
My favorite colors are pink, green, purple & blue.
Personality traits are cheerful, generous & outgoing. I'm super organized and very controling but that's why people love me.
Least favorite colors would be anything too dark. (but I do love black mixed with bright colors).
I will be adding your "A" button to my side bar right now!!!
I sure hope I win. :)
I'd love to enter this giveaway!!! Some of my favorite colors are Hot Pink, Black and purple. I do NOT like the color orange! I added your giveaway to my giveaway sidebar!
What a great giveaway! I am new to your blog and found you through the Preppy Polka Dot! I would love to be entered into your giveaway!!
My fav colors: pink and green, turqoise and brown!
Words to describe me: sassy and classy!!
I will post a link in my blog also!!
What a great swap!
My favorite colors are brown, pink, turqoise, black and red. I am not partial to orange.
Words to describe me are sassy and chic.
I am totally following your blog AND I'm putting it on my giveaway list!
Super cute idea!
My favorite colors are pink and green, and I don't really like the color yellow. ha ha.
A few words that describe me are outgoing and friendly! Thanks so much for this great giveaway! and now I'm a follower too. I love new blogs. :)
How FUN!!! LOVE it!
My fave colors are BRIGHT! Love pinks, greens, and turquoise. I don't care for pale oranges.
Personality~girly, realistic, shy until I get to know you and then the life of the party.
I'm a follower ~smiles~
This is my first time on your blog, and it is so cute. I love your header! Anyways I love the giveaway idea, I'm going to make a post about it! My favorite colors are pink, green, and turquoise. I'm girly, outgoing, and talkative! Oh and I love Swoozies, we don't have them up in NY! So I always have to visit when I'm down south.
I love your blog and this is such a cute giveaway! I've been following for a little while now and I love getting know you.
My favorite colors are: Pink and green, pink and brown, tiffany blue and brown, pink and orange. I don't really like purple.
My personality I would say is friendly, outgoing and silly!
I just posted this on my sidebar.
What a great giveaway!! I love pink, green, blue, brown...im gonna be honest I love most colors! :)
I would say Im girlie, crafty, compassionate. love my besties, mama, boyfriend, and my doggies. I am a Christian.
A giveaway that involves Swoozies, count me in!!! I love, love, love Swoozies.
My favorite colors are shades of pinks and greens. I don't really have colors I don't like. Would I buy an orange couch...no... but would I buy a fun, brightly colored napkin with orange in it...yes.
To describe myself. I'm addicted to paper goods that's why I could spend hours in Swoozies. I'm preppy, fun, caring, thoughtful, traditional. I love monograms.
I will definitely add your giveaway on my blog. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!!!!
I love this post! My favorite color is royal blue b/c I am from Memphis so I am a HUGE Memphis Tigers fan. I'm always on the hunt for cute, girly things in that color. I would describe myself as fun, sporty & girly all at the same time, smashingly southern, and (most importantly) a young, hip mommy to a fabulous little boy! I just love your blog and I just started following it and I can't wait to see what you write about next =0)
I love green and yellow! I dont like black, even though my blog page is mainly black! I added a link to my blog for this awesome giveaway!
Oh and I added a post linking to this on my blog!
I am new to your blog but very excited about your giveaway!!! I absolutly love purple but any bold bright colors make me happy too :) My first name starts with an L but in a month I am getting married and my new last name starts with a W. thanks so much!!
So fun!!
My favorite colors are yellow, pink and green...and I'm NOT a fan of blue.
I'm expecting my first child (a boy...so ironic about the blue, right?) in April and am addicted to all things stationery. I literally get chills walking into Office Max. :) Lame, I know.
I love blue, red, orange, pink, white, black, brown. Not necissarily all togehter:) ummm... Can't really think of a color I don't like. I am girls girl! I love all things girly not really into animal print though. Thank you faor hosting such a cute giveaway! I heart swoozies!
yay what a fun giveaway! i love blue, pink and green. Not that into yellow. I heart monograms! and martinis haha. xoxo KAG
ps hope you;ll head over to my blog and enter my fun giveaway!
Yay for giveaways! Swoozie looks like my favorite place.
I love fuschia (hot pink, same diff LOL) black and white. Not a huge fan of dark blue. I'm a wedding planner and a single mom. Hmmm...I'm usually creative but it's been a rough couple of days so my creativity meter is down. Love cute fun stuff, I'm a little preppy, Cali casual. I can't think of anything else...I will be posting a link back in just a couple min!!
Hi! Let me see.. I love deep pink, and not so deep purples. I also love dark colors.
I absolutely do not like neon colors *eeecccck*
I don't like floral stuff, but i love monograms and such =)
katch05 at gmail dot com
You are just precious!!
And... I love just about every color and shade under the sun...except dark green and Carolina Blue. My favorites are turquoise, teal, pinks, reds, and lime green.
I have no clue how to describe myself other than an almost-30 gal who realized last night it's been 9 years since the much celebrated 21...and I have no idea where the time has gone! Most of the time, I'm perky and outgoing...
Look forward to reading more of your blog!
I LOVE pink and brown together... I shop @ Swoozie's all the time. My fav thing to do is go at the end of every Holiday and get all the Holiday decor on sale. I love the Bridal section and the stuff by mud pies umm love all the monogram stuff my initials are JMB :)
Love the cards also, I always get my Christmas cards there.. I could go on and on but I already sound nuts, so that's it!
Just became a follower of your blog, so cute. Love to be entered in giveaway. My fav colors are pink (shocking) and green, really like all colors. No dislikes with any colors here. My first and last initials are P and I describe myself as girly, intelligent, crafty, spontaneous and lover of all things fun! I will post link on my page.
This giveaway is so generous and sweet. You sound a lot like me as this is something I would love to do for my readers in the future!
I love kelly green and navy blue, pink and brown, pink and green, any pink really!, black and white, no purple or orange! I also love literally everything at Swoozie's! Personalized stuff is a blast - I'm ALS. Words to describe me are classic, organized, fun...
Thanks for doing this!
Hi! Just caught this at the very last minute. It sounds like a very generous giveaway. Let's see... details about me... I am getting married in October so I am busy with that. I love wine and entertaining. My favorite colors are purple, pink, green, navy. I don't really like orange. I love paisly, polka dots and damask. My initials are currently MKF but will soon be changing to MFC! Off to post a link back to your page!!
Hi, this giveaway looks adorable! Please include me. My favorite colors are pink, turquoise, navy blue, and dark brown. I am not a big fan of red. I am girly, classic, and perky. My initials are BPR. Thank you so much!
i check out swoozies website ALL the time, but still haven't gotten anything...this is too fun!!
my favorite color is hot pink, hands down, i also love anything black and white with a pop of a fun color, like green or yellow...don't really dig orange, but that's about it.
i LOVE anything monogrammed, i have tons of stuff with H on it...and i can't wait to start getting stuff with my new monogram on it, since i'm getting married in october....HDF, here i come =)
This is a great giveaway! I love swoozies.
I am a traditional, preppy, southern girl. I was born and raised in Georgia so anything monogrammed is fabulous. We are about to move to TX so new stationary would be great to keep up with my friends. My initials are KSP.
Pink, green, navy are my favorite colors and the combination of red/black is my least favorite.
Oh, what a great giveaway! I would say my favorite colors are navy, pink, and green. I really don't like any shade of purple.
I love monograms (AET now that I'm married) paisley, stripes, etc. I would describe myself as preppy, classic, talkative, and optimistic!!
I did link this to my blog just now. Thank you so much for sponsoring this!! Too fun!
What an adorable and creative giveaway! Gosh I wish they would open a Swoozie's near me! My favorite colors are pink and green (like so many of the others!) and robin's egg blue. Colors I don't really like that much are orange and purple. I would describe myself as preppy, classic, traditional, old-fashioned, girly, and patriotic. One of my favorite things is a good glass of red wine and I LOVE to shop. Oh, and I also love monograms... my initials are VLR. I put a link to your giveaway on my blog :)
Super cute giveaway!!
I love pink & green and navy & green combos.
The only color I really don't like is purple. I don't know why, I just don't like it.
Oh, I am super preppy and pregnant.
ooh how cute!
I love Purple, Green, Blue and Yellow.
The only color that I don't love is orange.
I'm fun, loving, vibrant, full of personality, engaged, and stressed!
BTW... I linked back!
So, in case you couldn't tell, this is such a great giveaway! Haha, I absolutely love everything on their site, it's sooo cute and I would love love love to be entered in your giveaway!
Hm, well, my favorite colors change around a lot...but I love pale pink, yellowy-green, grey, turquoise, and navy. I am not the biggest fan of red or purple.
Personality-wise, I'm very personable and compassionate. I can be pretty stubborn about certain things and I always see both sides of almost EVERY situation, which makes me sooo indecisive! I adore animals and love, more than anything, helping people.
Off to add my link! P.S. Love your blog!
What a fun blog! Who doesn't love personalized things?!
Let's see...my favorite colors would be turquoise/teal, hot pink, and green. My personality would be what I describe as outgoing and slightly sarcastic. I am always laughing, but I do love time to myself. My least favorite color would probably be orange, but I even kind of like that. It is just not my super favorite. My initals are NNS.
I am going to go and link you into my blog now! Thanks so much for the awesome opportunity!
I would love to be entered. I love coral, the color Tiffany blue, red, ladybugs. My initials are MRM. I'm kind of awkward and dorky and very sarcastic.
Just found your blog...so cute! I would love to enter your contest. My favorite color is light pink followed by green (I like light and kelly.) I am not a fan of orange and I don't like red and pink together. My monogram is MUR. My personality is caring, enthusiatic, organized, considerate and a little sarcastic. I love anything and everything monogrammed and I'm a new Mommy. I'll post your contest on my sidebar!
I would love to enter your blog!
I am preppy, outgoing, I love to run and be outside and be active and fit. I love being near the water be it lake, ocean, river, or pool, something about being in or around water makes each day seem complete especially in the summer!
I Love pink and green and navy, I'm not a huge fan of orange.
Oh what fun!
Favorite Colors: Black, turquoise, and pink!
Personality: Outgoing, I enjoy talking, but I havemy quiet moments! I adore all thing monogrammed and chocolate! And I'm an April Bide to be!
I'll be posting a link! :)
alright! i'm entering my first giveaway!!!! this is so exciting for me:)
here goes nothing.
1. my name is Lisa Cheney. The last name is a new one and i'm still getting used to it.
2. my all time favorite color is PINK. i also love red, light blue, and pale yellow. i'm a sweet girl but i have a feisty side also. my snark comes out at the most random and unexpected times...usually making my friends and family laugh; and strangers stare.
the one color that i DON'T like would be baby poop brown. ick.
something about me that you should know: I'm a newlywed! I was just married to the most handsome man alive on 2/28/09. And I am most grateful that God chose us to be together.
This sounds like a good idea. I just started reading your blog and already I love it! :)
A few of my favorite colors are blue, pink, purple, red, yellow.
I don't really have any colors that I don't like. I don't like the color brown but for the most part I'm pretty easy going.
My personality is a chocolate lover, outgoing and up for a good time, funny, shopaholic, optimistic, happy, weight watcher member, I'm an part time actress and singer. I love NYC and Broadway Shows. My favorite show is WICKED. I love Reality TV, Gossip Girl, Jon and Kate Plus 8 just to name a few. I love baking instead of cooking and I'm always looking for suggestions of new recipes to try that would be WW Friendly.
I think that covers some of my personality. :)
A post has already been created for this giveaway.
Have a great day!
Oooo, I LOVE Swoozies too. I just posted about them on my blog last night as it's where I purchased some of my bridesmaid gifts :)
My favorite colors are pink, yellow, orange, green, and some shades of blue.
I'm not a fan of brown or dark hues - if there is going to be color it's going to be BRIGHT!
My personality...energetic, fun, can be outgoing, but tends to be introverted, creative, happy, loves everyone, emotional and excitable!
About me...I'm planning my September 21st wedding to my fabulous boyfriend at the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky. Our colors will be hot pink, yellow and orange. We have 2 fur babies - Dallas & Loucie, both Siberian Huskies. We just purchased our first home and will be moving in March 13. I'm DYING for the swoozies block party gear in yellow as we just finished painting our kitchen yellow and living room green. I'm trying to rationalize that I need the serving tray, utensil basket, and ice bucket in yellow while Swoozies has their birthday sale going on and so we'll have it when we host our families at our home in September! I write notes and have been known to send multiple thank you notes in a week to the same person for various things, I really dislike not being thanked by a hand written note, call me old fashioned!
I think that's it. I'll go post to my blog about your's now! Thansk for a fabulous giveaway!! :)
Hey, I'm new to your blog and I loved going back and seeing all your posts! You have posted such cute things!
So my favorite colors are green and gold (yellow) as I am a Baylor girl! But I also love light blue and brown! I do not like the colors orange or maroon.
I am a very laid back kind of person who loves life. I'm energetic and always up for trying something new. I'm a "Texas" girl through and through. I love to be outdoors riding four-wheelers and such.
I hope its not too late to enter since technically it is the 11th. But what a perfect day because exactly one month ago I was giving birth to my beautiful baby boy!!
I love your blog and I actually just stepped foot into my first swoozies last friday!
My favorite colors are pretty much any pastels and i liked grouped colors; like pink and green; turquoise and brown; or yellow and green is my favorite too!
I do not like gray. Life should be all about color!!
I'm a southern girl through and through; I love the warm weather that includes life by the pool, heading to the beach, and just souther hospitality! Lifes better dressed in a polo with a monogrammed pocketbook!!
What a cute giveaway. If it isnt too late I would love to enter. I love pink and green and all pastel colors. My monogram is WEM and I love anything Republican, haha!!
I love the color robin's egg blue. I also love maroon and green. I really don't like orange. I am very outgoing. I love to talk, scrapbook and make jewelry. I also have 2 english bulldogs!
This is such a cute giveaway! My favorite colors are Pink, Green, Turquiose, and Razorback Red!! I am getting married on June 13, 2009 and I absolutly love swoozies!! I wish we had a store where I live!
Oh, how fun is this? :)
My FAVORITE color is red, but I also love green (but not so much the typical Christmas shades - unless of course it is December!) I like deeper reds and paler greens. Pink is okay in small doses. I do NOT like purple, and usually not so much yellow.
I love wine, I love books, I love to sew, I love art, I love cats, and I just love having fun!
Oh goody. I love bright colors - pink, green, orange, white, yellow and all shades of blue. I don't care for purple as much although I really like some shades of lilac. Thanks!
Ooh, I love stationary! Journals, paper, pens--yay!
My favorite colors are red, pink, purple, lavender, green, black. I hate the color tan.
I'm linking to your contest now!
How cute is that! I actually found your blog today by pure accident by browsing another blog! My name is Shelly and I live in PA.
My Favorite Colors are combinations:
Peach & Teal
Choc Brown with baby pink
Choc Brown with turquoise
Lavendar with Black
Colors I dislike: Bright Orange, Puke Green and grays.
I love browns, reds & black. I detest pinks & yellows. As for myself I am outdoorsy, sporty and laid back.
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