February 06, 2009

Kids DO the Darnedest Things...

Hilarious Story Alert!!!!

A friend of mine told me this yesterday and I couldn’t help but share the story… (All names have been changed to protect the innocent!! Haha!) I shall call this person “Amy.”

Amy was babysitting her sister’s youngest daughter – things were going great! Amy’s niece apparently LOVES hand bands of all kinds and wears them every chance she gets (she is four years old). The little niece keeps asking Amy if she can borrow her head band and Amy, knowing that she doesn’t have any head bands in the house, tells her they can play with something else instead.

Throughout the night, the little niece continues to bring up the head band and when Amy again tells her that she doesn’t have any headbands, the little girl insists that she saw a “special head band with ribbons” and she would really like to play with it. Finally, Amy tells her that it will be OK to put on the head band as long as they can find where it is. Amy asks her to show her where the headband is so that she can get it out to play with. The little girl leads Amy back through the house and into Amy’s room where a drawer is open on the dresser. She pulls out the head band – only it wasn’t a head band at all!!! It was one of VS’s “sexy little things” – you know, a bra that really isn’t a bra at all due to most of it being missing!

Haha! I guess it would kind of look like a special head band with ribbons!


Kelli said...

That is so funny!! Kids don't stop until they get what they want do they?! Thanks for sharing :)

Girl Meets Beau said...

LOL how funny!! Kids are hilarious! I'm sure "Amy" about died - HA

TexanCouture said...

LOL that made my laugh, kids are hilarious!

Q, La, and Gooner said...

Um, that is awesome. From the mouths of babes...

the ghost overground said...

HAHAHA! At first I thought you were gunna say it was a garter! that is too funny!

Anonymous said...

hahaha i thought it was going to be a thong with a bow on it! haha

Anonymous said...

you can see us any time!! i thought of you today. i was in sugarland until just 20 minutes ago. so much has changed and improved that area. we can do lunch on a saturday sometime!!

Lindsey said...


jlc said...

Too cute!!! I love hearing what kids say.

My little cousin overheard her mom say the reason to not wear panties to bed. And one night she told all of us.... "Well cause you know... you gotta air it out down there!"

And she rolled her eyes. It was the cutest thing ever!! We were all rolling.

Jane said...

just found your blog! love it! will keep reading!

salwa said...

Ha!! That's awesome.