Dear Chick-fil-a,
Please do not attempt to prove my theory that all businesses, including restaurants, are secretly downsizing their goods in order to make a higher profit in these tough economic times. Please do not tell me that when I went through the drive-thru today and ordered my usual favorite (#1 with an un-sweet tea), I would unknowingly leave with the most measly of all chicken sandwiches ever seen - a sandwich that would would sport one wrinkly ass pickle with a hole in the middle of it. Please do not tell me that you have downsized your ketchup packets without warning anyone so that the once generous red sauce is now only enough to cover one halfway cooked fry minus the salt.
For the good of humanity, do not tell me that the ONE AND ONLY fast food place that I don't feel guilty about visiting will soon break my heart.
Thanks and gig 'em.
**I don't know what to think - was this simply a bad experience that can be singled out and never again be real?? OR is this the end of it all. I am sad about this and don't know why! I love Chick-fil-a and I thought they would avoid all of this madness. What is a nugget lover to think?**
I haven't had fast food in a while, but I've actually heard this same thing from other people. And, I've heard that some fast food places are charging for extra condiments too!
Melissa is right! I went to McDonalds the other day (for my once yearly trip) to get a hot fudge sundae and while I was looking at the menu, there was a sign saying how much sauce you got with each item. It also stated that extra sauces would cost 30 cents. Crazy! But I guess I understand. I haven't had any problem with Chick-fil-a yet. I hope not, they are my favorite!
Awe!!! Sad news. Next time (aka probably tomorrow) I eat at the chick, I am going to be sure to load up on the ketch. Xoxo-BLC
My sister, at UConn, took her own mayo, mustard, and ketchup to the dining halls. She was not about to be messed with or disappointed in the condiment performance! LOL! And Dimples won't be a patron of finer dining establishments that don't serve Heinz ketchup.
Condiments are a hot topic, I feel ya!
Oh no! Well I visited Chick today and my #2 was just how I like it. Actually I couldn't finish it..so maybe it was bigger than normal lol.
And I got 2 Chick-fil-a sauces and about 6? ketchups..so hopefully your experience was a fluke...hopefully.
So disappointing!
I had Chickfila last week and my number 5 was normal...so hopefully this was just a bad dream! :)
I love Chick-fil-a! I wish we had them in Washington.
I've only been to Chick-fil-a twice, but both times I went, which was a while ago, were good! Don't you hate when the things you love--be it fast food, your favorite store or coffee shop-- start to change? For me, American Eagle lost its luster after they changed the way they cut their jeans and I am still mourning the loss of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice latte. I know it was a seasonal drink, but couldn't they keep it for me? :) Anyway, I feel ya. Hopefully it was a fluke ;)
I never had chick-fil-a until a couple weeks ago... but I haven't had any issues with them! Oh I hope they aren't being like everyone else!
Mmmmm I looove Chick fil a! It's the one place that I also don't feel guilty about going to. And actually it sounds AMAZING right now. But I have a bridesmaid dress I have to fit into Saturday so no carbs til the reception :) I am sorry about your katchup experience. Try the polonysion (sp?) Sauce..yumm or the honey bbq mustard...delicious! Might make you feel better about the ketchup :)
OH NO! This makes me really sad...so sad that I might have to go get a #1 right now to test your theory:)
Being I live in Orange County, California and we have Chick-fil-a's within two miles of one another- yes that's true... I'm there more often then I should. While I most often am thinking about the sweet tea before the sandwich most days, we had it this last weekend and it took me 7 packets of ketchup to cover one sandwich and the fries. :( I wa thinking there was just something wrong with me... glad you wrote this.
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