January 25, 2009

Patterns of Happiness

I adore these dresses and want all of them, especially the third one.  Ahhh, happiness!  All can be found at Anthropologie - in fact, I love all of their stuff!



Unknown said...

these are just precious! love the top one!

jlc said...

Yesss!! I heart Anthro. We would make fabulous shopping buddies. :)

the ghost overground said...

MMm I love Anthropologie, and that candle they always have burning there. Amazing! Too bad it is so pricey!

Mommy In Pink said...

I'm totally with you...those are all to die for...my fave it the first one!

Anonymous said...

omg so cute!!!

5th Belle Avenue said...

LOVE them!! Ah, I want all of them.