January 27, 2009

Fabulously Talented!

So the blog is new and improved and I have the wonderful Marina of Penny Lane Designs to thank!  As usual, I can never make up my mind and I can NEVER pinpoint exactly what I want to do so I provided a general description of what I had in mind - let me just say that the finished product is far more than I could have imagined and I am already in love with it!  If any of you are hankerin' for a new design or were already fixin' to change yours up (two totally Texas words by the way - excuse my southern) you should check out Penny Lane Designs!  Absolutely fabulous is all I will say.

Thank you Marina!


5th Belle Avenue said...

AH! It's beautiful and so perfect!! I will forever love blogger for putting us back in touch. Wish I were still in TX so we could meet up for cocktails and a shopping date!

NYStateBeauty said...

Great design! So Fancy! :)

Unknown said...

Love the new look :) It's precious!

Em said...

Love the new look... and the southern talk! :o)

DietCokeStraightUp said...

It looks great!!!! Working with her is the best, isn't it?? She just did my blog makeover!!

Anonymous said...