March 18, 2009

A Virtual Scolding from "Anonymous"

So I have once again fallen victim to the “anonymous emailer” that seems to have a problem with anything and everything I write about. This time I am promoting a false sense of hope and making women feel that in order to be “complete” they must have a man in their lives. This must be the same person that protested Martini Monday…it makes about as much sense as the first debacle.

Oh well…who gives a damn, right?

Ladies, to be clear, I do NOT think that you MUST have a man in your life to be considered complete and whole and in fact, I fully understand that there are women (and men) out there who are not necessarily seeking love at this very moment. It was a simple post (on MY blog by the way) and it really referred to me more than anything else.

My question is this – If you hated bananas, would you still eat them everyday while sitting around complaining about how much you hate them? I think not. Then why take time out of your day to read a blog that you hate…move on and do something that you DO enjoy!

Sometimes you just have to laugh it off!!



capperson said...

Wow. I cant believe that someone would keep sending you stuff about not liking what you have to say, if they dont like it they darn sure dont have to read it..Hello!!! lol
I loved what you wrote last night and I think it is so wrong that they are trying to keep you from saying anything at all. I mean first no Martini Mondays and then this. Next they are going to try to make you hush up all together. They need to stop, it's getting rediculous!! IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT SHE WRITES DONT READ IT!! ITS THAT EASY!!!!

Cheap Wife said...

God! I 100% feel your pain! What is with people!? I got lectured by a co-worker the other day telling me the same thing..that she needs to give me the "feminist perspective" because I must think I need a man to complete myself.
People are annoying. Is it such a crime to be excited about your wedding?! Apparently it is. What is that some of the most progessive and forward thinking people tend to be the MOST judgemental. Don't think you know me or need to "teach" me something just becaue I am a girl who is excited about her wedding.

In one ear and out the other, that's what I say! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good for you!

I don't really get the whole anonymous comments anyways...why leave a comment if you don't claim it?

d.a.r. said...

How dumb. I just recently started getting anonymous rude comments. I just delete them. I don't have the guts you do to confront them!!!

Jenny said...

I personally can't wait until I have some loser e-mail me. I like giving people a piece of my mind and telling them where to shove their stupid, idiotic ideas. :) Much love to YOU though my dear! haha

Niki said...

Lets ban this anonymous person!!

Simply Me said...

I think it's so slightly comical this person is clearly so obsessed with your blog. Maybe they are just jealous about how well you blog and home many fans you have :) Only logical explanation I can think of cause WHO would take the time!! Grief.
Most importantly I think the biggest lesson your showing everyone is, move on. Laugh, roll it off and move on.
Thats why I love your blog :)

Anonymous said...

unfortunately there are people out there. there is even a whole website dedicated to bashing Rachel Ray! it is called sad.

love you, love your blog.

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

My word...that is pretty pathetic! Sad that they don't have the guts to tell you who they are.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!! Good for you! Not worth it. :) I love your blog! :)

The France Family said...

I cant believe someone actually takes the time to write that stuff??! I love your blog its fabulous!!!

♥ H ♥ said...

Are you kidding me? I want to meet this person and high kick em in the face! Obviously they have too much time on their hands. Get a life and a clue! I in NO WAY took that you were trying to tell us we needed a man to be complete.

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Just found your blog and love it! And how nice that I stumbled on this past. I've often wondered what kind of people do these anonymous comments. It takes a lot of time and energy to read a blog and then come up with a comment (at least for me!!) so why waste your time reading a blog you don't agree with!! It's so dumb. You keep writing what you want because obviously it keeps people coming back (even the anonymous ones!!)

Unknown said...

That is just horrible. I would have told this "anonymous" that she could take a hike. You do not come off as dependent on men OR as an alcohol abuse promoter! Some people need to get a life!

Mrs.Shu said...

It's sad that the people that always post the negative are always anonymous...why are they hiding??? Don't change a thing about your blog...I love it and so does everyone else. Ignore the ignorant!!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

My gosh, some people just have nothing better to do so they just go and hate on other people. I heart your blog. Keep posting anything you want, it's YOUR blog. =)

Anonymous said...

That is RIDICULOUS & RUDE. It's your blog & the point of blogs is to write about WHATEVER you want - FREE SPEACH.

Tell the secret e-mailer to SHOVE IT! I love your blog!


5th Belle Avenue said...

Ashley, I am so sorry! You are such a beautiful person inside and out and have the purest of intentions. We all know this! Your blog ROCKS and none of us want you to change a thing!! VIRTUAL HUGS!

TexanCouture said...

Can you block anonymous comments, that is sad that this person has so much free time to do this to you! I wonder if they like the attention...maybe next time don't answer or blog about them and they may stop, they are probably sitting there gloating on this thinking oh yea another post dedicated to me, I got to her.

Unknown said...

Sadly, I think that maybe this person has no friends and likes the attention they are receiving on your blog when you post about them. My advice, ignore them and I bet they go away.

If not, you can always block anonymous comments...