March 31, 2009

I'm Such an A-Hole!


So obviously Martini Monday did not happen but it was due to my own idiocy!!! Last night, I let Grenade out on the porch because he was begging to go outside…and then I forgot about him!!!! I am horrible.

I don’t know what spurred my memory but all of a sudden it hit me that he had been out there for over an hour. I opened the screen door and he was gone. Initially, I wasn’t too scared but when he didn’t come when I called, I started to get a little worried.

Drew and I looked all around for about 20 minutes with no sign of Grenade! I felt so horrible…if something had happened to him it would be MY FAULT!! My next strategy was to get the food bag and shake it, hoping that he would come running. No Grenade. We called him for a while longer but still no Grenade.

Just when we were getting ready to go back in, I heard a faint meow and I knew it was him. We couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming and it wasn’t getting any closer so we started to think the maybe he was hurt somewhere and couldn’t get to us.

We kept following the meow and FINALLY…there he was. Where was he you ask?? He had climbed to the THIRD floor of the apartment complex and was sitting in the corner soaking wet (it had been raining) and basically crying in the corner!!!!! Nothing was wrong with him; I just don’t think he knew how to get down.

Relief! I felt so bad that I gave him some tuna (his favorite). He went immediately to sleep. I’m a bad mom!!


♥ H ♥ said...

Oh My Gosh! Funny but scary! I should post about how I thought I killed Harley when I fist got her :(

d.a.r. said...

Aww!! My pug always gets stuck under our bed, and it usually takes me a while to figure it out and rescue her. She sits under there and cries and cries. I hate to think that it happens while I am gone hahaha.

Running In Stilettos said...

Oh no! Our cat Beavis has made me feel like a terrible mommy a time or two.

Glad Grenade is she hesitates before escaping again :)

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Awe, I'm glad he was okay! :)

There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

Awww I am glad your precious kitty is ok!

Living for the Little Moments said...

Haha, if your cat is anything like my dog then the fact that you gave him his favorite food means that all is forgiven and forgotten!

Meagan said...

I'm so glad you found him! that is such a terrible feeling!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

I am so glad you were able to find him. My cat, Lila, also loved to go outside. We live in a condo at the back of an apartment complex and there is a field behind us. She would always go out for about 2 hours and then come back in. But one evening she never came back. I looked for her for months. It was a horrible time for us, she had been my cat for 10 years. I felt so awful!

Niki said...

I am so glad you found him!!

Chic Runner said...

Glad he was okay! :) We both found the things we are looking for! ha ha.

Kelli said...

Poor little kitty! I'm so glad you found him though!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!!! poor guy!!!

Jane said...

oh your poor little kitty! but you are so not an a-hole! ha! glad he is okay.

TexanCouture said...

Poor Kitty! Glad he is ok!

Ashley said...

I'm glad Grenade is home safe!