March 05, 2009

HELP!! I Need Advice!

Ladies, I have a question...

I received an email from someone who came across my blog - they told me that I am promoting BINGE DRINKING by posting "Martini Mondays" and offering a Martini Glass Swap! They also urged me to stop posting my usual Monday posts and discontinue the swap!

So here are my options, I guess. Should I...

A: Do as the reader asks and pull the plug on Martini Mondays AND my latest swap??


B: Should I continue them both without hesitation??

I'm thinking I should choose answer

*In no way do I endorse drinking in excess - I only am suggesting fun recipes to try. I am a martini lover and I want to spread the love - I think that is what I will do! Swap is on if you ask me!

What are the honest opinions out there?? Let me know if I am not thinking clearly here! I want to make sure I'm not missing something!


Stephanie said...


OMG I would pick B!

Some people are such downers. Do not worry what this person me.

Running In Stilettos said...

If this person can't drink in moderation...that's not your problem.

I, however, am quite capable of enjoying a few martinis and can't wait to enjoy one in the new glass I get from the swap!

Anonymous said...

That's CRAZY!! The martini glass swap must go on, some people are just out looking to ruin other peoples fun. :)

Anonymous said...

i LOVE martini monday, and who binge drinks martinis? that will make for an awful stomach ache

Courtney said...

Haters! Don't worry about it! B!!

d.a.r. said...

Wow, you horrible little heathen you. I cannot believe you are brainwashing us all :)

Please continue Martini Mondays!!! 99.9% of us love it, and the weirdo who thinks you are trying to get us to become alcoholics needs to find a new hobby.

Jenny said...

Oh my god, please! If they wanna see the condonment of binge drinking they should just turn on the TV about just open their eyes??

People are so sensitive these days. This is YOUR blog. You're a big girl and can do as you please.


Legal Preppy said...

i love your martini mondays! it certainly doesn't promote binge drinking and i see no reason why you shouldn't do those posts.

Team Clancy said...

Oh my goodness! There is no reason that a responsible adult can not enjoy a drink or a few. If that reader can't control herself, that's not your problem!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL wow some people have some nerve! This is YOUR blog where you're free to express yourself & say WHATEVER you want & post about WHATEVER you want! Don't let them get you down! I'm excited for the Martini swap! Woot-Woot!

Pearls and Bows said...

i would keep doing them. you are only offering recipes not forcing then to funnel.

Erica said...

OMG, KEEP IT!!! At the end of the day, this is YOUR blog, not this crazy person.

I LOVE the Martini's and I promise, you are NOT brainwashing me into binge drinking:)

♥ H ♥ said...

that's a joke right?! ....That is dumb! I'm pretty sure we are all adults here and know our limits when it comes to drinking. Goodness gracious people are debbie downers! Let us have our fun :)


♥ H ♥ said...

Oh and one more thing...if we suggest fun food recipes to try..are we endorsing BINGE EATING?!?!? mhm....point made :)

MM said...

This is totally ridiculous! This is your blog and you can write about whatever you would like. If they don't like it, then they don't have to read it! Definitely option B! :)

Anonymous said...

hahaha I choose B. I think that person was just trying to get under your skin... don't let them! We love Martini Mondays!

Sassy Cass said...

Let's choose option C. Continue the swap, Martini Mondays, add Todie Tuesdays and get the poor soul that thinks you are promoting binge drinking a stiff one. Somebody needs to chillax.

Very cute blog, BTW. I found you through April and I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

I don't even drink and I love your Martini Mondays!! :)

Delete the email and continue on with the's a fun idea and you certainly aren't forcing it on anyone.

There is nothing that bugs me more than someone trying to impose their beliefs on do you and don't worry about what anyone else says!

Melissa said...

If they don't like your blog, they don't have to read it. End of story. Post exactly what you want. IT IS YOURS!! And, for the record, I love Martini Monday!

Megan said...! Option B please. This is YOUR blog, you're not forcing anyone to read..we choose to read :)

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Don't listen to what the emailer said. They do not have to read your blog on Mondays nor enter the swap. Tell them to get over it!

Rob and Amy said...

I believe it is your blog, and we are CHOOSING to participate and be involved. The world is full of scenarios and events that not everyone agrees with, but you just move on.

Also- I will tell you that I use martini glasses for TONS of other things! During parties, they will hold olives, candy, sugar for coffee...etc. There are many uses for martini glasses and if that person choose ONLY to see them as a drinking tool, then that is sad. Should was stop making things of glass because beer bottles are made of glass and glass things promote the thought of drinking?? Please. are fine :)

Girl Meets Beau said...

Ummm seriously?? I can't see how you giving out your favorite recipes is promoting binge drinking. You aren't forcing anyone to try the drinks. I love Martini Monday!! It doesn't mean I am going to get hammered off it though. Don't get rid of it just b/c one person has a problem with it. You aren't forcing them to read your blog anyways!

Keep it up! And I love the idea about the glass swap! So cute.

Unknown said...

Sounds like someone is being too sensitive ... binge drinking, really? Why can't a girl have a martini (or even 3!) without someone getting their panties in a bunch. Unbelievable! Now, if you start posting pics of passed out drunks, we may reconsider a bit. Ha, ha!
Keep up the fun posts - we love 'em!! :o)

Tabitha said...

I think if your Martini Monday posts were accompanied with stuff like:




If you don't try every one of these martinis at least three times each, RIGHT NOW, I will hate you forever and call you a loser prude who doesn't drink. BINGE AWAY!

Then, yeah, maybe you might want to rethink it.

But considering you've never (to my knowledge) said anything remotely CLOSE to that, or even suggested actually getting drunk off of your delightful martinis, I'd say go with B.

Maybe the person who emailed you is a little sensitive or struggles with binge drinking, and that's completely understandable. But they just need to scroll right over your MM posts, because it's YOUR blog. :)

capperson said...

B because if they dont want to drink they dont have to do the swap and if they dont want to read about your recipes then they just shouldnt read your blog on mondays..duh.. i think the martiniis are always cute when you post them and I am only not entering in your swap because I have respect for everybody doing it and know I am under 21 and would feel wrong for doing it, so I'm going to leave that to yall, but trust me if I was old enough, I would do it. I think it is a cute idea and very unique!!

Anonymous said...

I did LOL a lot when I saw this. I'd go with option B.

If you want to be mindful, you can ask that no one under 21 enters the contest. But honestly. It's a choice to drink, and you're not endorsing we all go out and get drunk, so I think you're alright! Don't stress your pretty face! :)

Simply Me said...

wait- it is still a "Free" country right? I mean this week at least.... sooo I think your still entitled to eat, drink, say, speak, think, wear and share whatever you wish.
That reader can go find another blog to bug :) Just none of ours haha

Niki said...

That's crazy!! Definitely choose option B!! Martini Mondays are so fun!! And so is the swap:)

Pam said...

Keep doing it! It's a great, fun and original idea, and I really enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

OMG- please tell me that the reader was joking! Ridiculous! B FOR SURE!

JennyLee said...

B!!! In no way do I think posting recipes causes binge drinking. Sounds like the reader has a personal problem and it's a ridiculous request.

Chic Runner said...

B! Ha ha h that is too funny that someone would post that. Martinis is not BINGE drinking...

Jennifer said...

I would go with option B. After all, this is YOUR blog (not the other person's). I don't see any harm in swapping recipes and a cute/fun martini glass. We're all adults here.

If someone doesn't like it - - - they certainly don't have to read and/or participate.

Kelli said...

Please continue your regular posts! I love them!

And for a little info:
The definition of binge drinking is to consume large quantities of alcohol with the intentions of getting intoxicated.

You are not in any way promoting intoxication. You are posting recipes for drinks (who drinks several martinis anyway??) If this person feels this way, then how do they feel about people who post recipes for deserts?? Are those people promoting obesity?

All in all, this is your blog and you can post whatever you want. You could always post a fine print line at the bottom of your martini mondays with a disclaimer that you are not promoting drinking if that will make you sleep better at night :)

the ghost overground said...

That is so lame! You DO NOT promote binge drinking, you give cute drink recipes. Moderation people, HELLO. Maybe you should add a disclaimer at the bottom "Alcohol should only be consumed if you are of legal age and in moderation." --For all the lame-o's who take everything literally. It is your blog. FREE SPEECH. haha

Wendy Hue said...

I totally agree with the comments above. This is your blog, and you can write whatever you like. If the e-mailer truly feels that way, that person should steer clear of your blog. And honestly, if I start binge drinking, it'll be one of my jobs that causes it, not a fun martini recipe.

I hope to participate in the swap, and continue to enjoy your Martini Monday posts!

TexanCouture said...

I would pick B there is no reason for you to discontinue what the readers (aside from this person) love about your blog. Their drinking situation and control over their own actions is not your fault! It is not a beer funnel swap it is a martini glass swap, big difference!

The Pink Chick said...

Go with option B and don't give it a second thought! I can't believe someone said that to you! If you have a little mean streak in you maybe you should add Drinking Games Tuesday! Hee! Hee! Hee!

Jane said...

oh my goodness. why are some people such debbie downers?! you are obviously not promoting binge drinking, and the martini swap is such a fun idea. i was going to do it cause i am trying to save money, but now i am doing it to prove my point!!

B all the way.

MJW said...


I'd pick B and whomever wrote you that needs to live a little! Seriously people! :)

Lisa said...

Wow. Definitely B. It's a cute idea and you are definitely not promoting binge drinking. It's a cute swap idea. :)

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

Honestly that person needs to loosen up a little.Lol. Option B! I am SO looking forward to this swap.

USCEmily said...

Keep the post! That's just absurd. You aren't suggesting that people go out and try every single martini you are telling about in one sitting.

Unknown said...

Wow. I can't believe that someone had the audacity to write that to you! That is crazy. OMG.

Just because you post more than one recipe doesn't mean you want us to go and mix them all for tasting that very night!?!

If someone has a problem with drinking and your Martini Mondays or Martini Glass Swap exasperates it, than they can (and should) stop reading.

But, don't let that one individual bring you down. We understand the idea behind your Martini madness, even if others don't. :)

Unknown said...

PS - You have an award over at my blog! :o)

Anonymous said...

i want this many comments on my blog. how is this achieved? i am with Heather! that was so funny!! Dont you dare change for anyone!

Alyssa said...

Oh wow! That is crazy! You should definitely choose option B!

Carissa Thilgen said...

I say ditto to what everyone else is saying. don't let that emailer spoil your fun or what makes your blog YOUR BLOG :)

DietCokeStraightUp said...

Tell that jerk to fly to the moon!?!?!? This is YOUR swap YOUR blog and if they don't like it, don't participate!!! They are insane. I'm looking forward to the swap and if you want to pull it, I'll host it!!

Darci White said...

My thoughts.....pretty simple, that is ridiculous!

Of all of the truly "bad" things on the internet - I'm shocked that someone emailed you about this! Crazy!


here is my personal opinion. i have been also picked up this week on my blog sayin i just give away stuff to have comments, soo i would personally do whatever the eff you want to on your page, its your blog! if people dont like it then dont come to your page, you do a greattttttttt job posting. :)

Jessica said...

I can't believe you are even asking!! What a loser! Binge drinking? REALLY? B!

Tanya Peacock said...

Seriously? I am going to give my opinion by signing up for the glass swap and see how many watermelon martinis I can slam this weekend!