March 19, 2009

Just Say NO!

This is not something I really WANT to know, but rather something I NEED to know.

Why, in the name of all that is right, do people feel compelled to pick their nose while driving on the open (and fully visible) road? I see it everyday without fail and it is beyond me as to why this would occur. There is no magic shield that keeps us innocent drivers from observing the horrid seen of someone picking their nose so why then, do they think a seat surrounded by glass, is private?!?!

One thing I do know…boogers do not discriminate!!




People in Mercedes’.

People in Geo’s.

I have witnessed all of these instances in the recent months and I am outraged. Yesterday, a woman in the lane next to me drove for what seemed like miles and miles while picking her nose! What was in there that was so extreme?

The one I hate the most is when you are stopped at a light and you just so happen to glance in your rearview mirror only to see someone picking their nose! I am almost positive that the person in question knows that I have seen them committing this act and then I wonder if they even care. Should they be embarrassed or should I?

HAHAHAHAHA! This is too funny…hopefully ya’ll can relate to my horror!



The Blonde Duck said...

You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose. But you can't pick your friend's nose!

L!!NK.Lane said...

Newsflash: Just because you are in your car does NOT mean you are invisible. Ew. Grosses me out. Use a tissue people ;)

♥ H ♥ said...

You must have been driving next to me then ;) Kidding Kidding!

There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

Haha this is so funny to me b/c I really almost had a wreck this morning b/c I was driving along and I looked in my rear view mirror and my 14 month old was in his carseat knuckle deep in his nose! I said NOOOO baby that's dirty! So he proceeded to move the finger from his nose to his mouth. EWWWWWWW!!!

Aubrey said...

That is so funny. My dad is a total nose picker and he has no shame. It's totally gross and embarassing riding in the truck with him. I see people all over doing this as well. Can't they at least use a tissue?

Lisa said...

I have a coworker whose office has a glass door. And he sits in his office picking his nose all day long, thinking the world can't see. He has no shame! I can just imagine how much picking he does in his car.

Unknown said...

You are too funny. But seriously!

When I was younger and in the car with all my cousins (think a carload of 10-16 year olds), we came across a nose picker in traffic. We all banged on the window of our car. Once the person looked over, we all pretended to pick our nose. Mean, I know, but it got the point across.

Think before picking in public.

jlc said...

Hahahaha! So random but such a fun post to read!

MJW said...

Loved this post! Speaking of weirdos like this. I had to teach a class this week and only four people were in it for work. One guy picked his nose in class AND wiped it on the chair. I almost threw up! I thought we were all grown adults. Made me totally sickened!

Unknown said...

Gross!!!! It never fails I will see this a TON during my 40 minute drive to work! Gives me the heeby jeebies.. lol

Nessa said...

EWW!! i dont think i've ever noticed nose pickers while driving, but thats usually cuz im singing at the top of my lungs, haha. Ever noticed us singers? ;)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!! i see nose-pickers all the time on the road!! that is so funny!!

In This Wonderful Life said...

hahahah.. so funny! I agree!! yucko!

Anonymous said...

okay... so this is hilarious.... i can relate. i see it everywhere too!! i dont get it. i see it a lot when im stopped at red lights. people are always doing it while waiting for the ligt to turn green and they dont care who see's them. this post made me laugh because it is soooooooooo TRUE!