March 25, 2009

Drunken Rollercoaster Rampage

Some how I got signed up for local news alerts (???) via my work email address so every so often, I get a little email filling me in on the day’s events. Well, I’m glad this particular story was grouped in with the “Breaking News” section.

Effective this weekend, Six Flags will begin selling Beer. Radical headline, huh?

#1. Is this really considered breaking news? NO.

#2. Who wants to ride roller coasters and such after consuming numerous beers?

I don’t know about you but I do not want to INCREASE the chance several times over that I will become violently ill on the rides.

Six Flags, how you’ve changed…


Girl Meets Beau said...

Yikes! Not sure about this one....I think they might need to hire on several more to their clean-up crew! I'm sure the amount of vomiters will be increased due to this change!

Imjustagirl said...

We have Busch Gardens here and they used to have free beer tastings because Anheiser Busch owned them and they have some crazy rollercoasters. I think they still serve beer but you must buy it! and that is definetly not breaking news!!(ha)

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!! or have someone barf on you during a usually fun ride!!

The Blonde Duck said...

Are they doing that in SA too? Oh sweet wounded you know how bad that's going to look? Sigh.

With Love from New Orleans said...

Too funny... and kind of gross!

d.a.r. said...

Oh gross...I can't see that being a smart thing to do!!

Melissa said...

I have heard that Six Flags might be going under. maybe they are doing this to help increase business. Who knows. But the throw up rate on roller coasters is about to increse!!

Niki said...

Yikes! That means some drunk person could be throwing up on us at any given moment on a roller coaster! Scary!

Carissa Thilgen said...

besides the obvious problems of drunken amusement park-goers and throw up on rides, I think it poses a safety issue. the six flags in SoCal, closest to me, already has a problem with gangs, fighting, violence. adding beer to the equation would not be a good idea. is this alcoholic addition for all six flags?? I hope not. and Melissa is right, it probably is an attempt to boost sales/revenue since six flags hasn't been doing too well...

Jules said...

I couldn't do it myself and I don't know how I'd feel about someone who is wasted riding near me. Yuck!

Mrs. S. said...

Not even that...drunk parents managing screaming kids in a packed park? Really?! A good idea, huh? I see that it makes sense so that they can get more people to the park, but ick...not good.

MJW said...

That's crazy talk! I tagged you in my blog. It's about shoes!!!

Unknown said...

I don't mind my chances of getting sick...I think it's the chances that someone else will get sick on me that is worrisome. Gross.


wow! the things you see in the headlines these days lol! :)

In With the Light said...

oh man that is crazy! great blog...first time here! love it.