March 17, 2009

Me - Stripped Down

There is something so incredibly freeing about driving down an almost empty freeway while the sun sets on a beautiful day.  I love to drive the Mustang on days like today with the windows down and the music waaay up...I don't even care how loud it just feels good.  I will *always* be a Texas girl - I love it in every single way.  It is just "me" if that makes any sense at all.

It is so easy to get caught up in life and to convince yourself that some things are SO important when they really aren't.  I am tired of justifying things and I am ready to say out loud that it is OK to hate work sometimes, and to be overly tired sometimes, and to be so sick of everyday things sometimes...but not all the time, not even most of the time.  

How quickly life goes by, almost in an instant it seems.  How the heck did I get to be 25 years old and when did I forget to appreciate the little things in life?  All of us can count a million reasons why we are incredibly blessed - when will we focus on those things?  

I love the new Taylor Swift song Fifteen.  The lyrics are so powerful if you really think about it.  On the surface they refer to a first love but that's not the thing I like about this song.  I like that when you strip it down it is really about how you think you know it all when you are young and you make mistakes because in reality, you don't.  I look back on those days and I am OK with all the mistakes I made - I wouldn't take ONE THING back.  It made me, me...

"Cause when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, your gonna believe them, and when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out, well count to ten, take it in, this is life before you know who your gonna be."

Have an incredible night and do something fun - live it up!!!!  Be free!



jlc said...

I soooo wish I had Taylor Swift when I was a teenager. Glad to see another 25 year old loves her as well!! She rocks!

Kelli said...

Oh I have a mustang too!! I love to do the same. Something about driving around with the windows down just makes you feel free! I love it! :)

Ashley Paige said...

GREAT post- I had one of those "Ah Ha" moments on the drive home from work today- you know those days, when everything seems to fall into place.. and you're just so.. thankful? the weather was beautiful- the windows were down, the music was loud.. and i was just so.. HAPPY. :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, good post. same way i think of that brad paisley song 'Letter to Me'. ugh! my fave!!!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

What a great post! Amen!!! The older we all get the faster our life passes us and what actually have to tell ourselves to stop and take in the moment.

Melissa said...

Great post! I love that song too!!

Jules said...

I love Taylor Swift and the song fifteen. I know what you mean and love those moments when everything just feels right and makes you forget about a bad day. Driving, windows down while the sun sets sounds like an ideal scenario to me :)

♥ H ♥ said...

Same page sister! I wouldn't take one thing back either. All of it has made me who I am today. Taylor (yes we are on first name basis!) is amazing and even at 24 I can relate to her!

Unknown said...

What a great post! I'm so jealous that you have an open road to drive on. I have no idea how far I would have to drive in order to find that out here in NYC. Yuck.

Too true though about all the mistakes you make as a teenager. I made my fair share, but without them, I never would have met Husby and be where I am in life today.

Here's to learning more of life's great lessons.

Darci White said...

great post..................really!

i would elaborate, but no need - i can just totally relate and you said it best.