March 17, 2009

Flower Power

Lately I have really been wishing for a flower garden but living in an apartment doesn't allow for much garden space.  I don't know anything about gardening but in a dream world, I know exactly which flowers that I would have right outside my windows!  

My absolute favorite flower is the Stargazer Lilly - I think it is perfectly made in every way.  This was the main flower in my wedding arrangements and I would have never picked anything different!  I have these growing in a garden in my mom's backyard so at least I can enjoy them when I'm over there.  They only bloom once a year in Texas (Easter) and I have had the same plant for 15 years!!

My second favorite is the Tiger Lilly (can you tell I love lillies?).  These are just so pretty to me.  So random, but they remind me of an episode of Sesame Street where Burt and Ernie wanted to buy Maria flowers - her favorite were Tiger Lillies.  I make myself laugh...

Another favorite of mine is the tulip.  The best thing about them is that they come in millions of color combinations.  They look so dainty and fab!

Someday I will have a house with a BEAUTIFUL garden no matter what it takes!  Those of you with gardens may feel the urge to talk me out of it - I see how much work my mom has to put into hers.  What a rewarding hobby though!!  

What is your favorite flower??


Tabitha said...

Ack! I wanna hear everyone's answers too, because I'm trying to figure out what flowers I want for MY wedding! I have nooo idea right now, except that my main color is purple, and I probably want to throw a splash of orange in there...I dunno. I'm totally ignorant when it comes to flowers and decorating and stuff.

Kelli said...

Ohh I love tulips! I've been thinking about getting a big planter and putting some tulips in it. I also love the hibiscus! We saw them everywhere in Hawaii and I just adore them. Maybe I should get some of those..

5th Belle Avenue said...

I loveee tulips! They have so much personlity for such a tiny little flower! All of the above are GORGEOUS!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

My favorite is Calla Lilly. I just think they are perfect. But I also love Bells of Ireland and Hydrangeas. We live in a town home, and I can't wait till we have our own yard so I can plant a hydrangea bush.

Rob and Amy said...

Calla Lily!!!! It was the main flower in our wedding!!!!! They come in so many colors. Our main color was Mango Calla Lily, and we also had Eggplant colored ones. Sooooo gorgeous.

MJW said...

Mine are orange Gerber daisies! If I ever get married those will be in my bouquet!

Aubrey said...

I love flowers but I have never been able to keep any kind of flower or plant alive for more than a week. My all-time favorite would have to be the calla lilly. They are so beautiful and someday they will be the main flower at my wedding. The tulip is quite pretty as well and they are all over the place this time of year.

Pamibelle said...

I love the star gazer lily too. So pretty. My favorite is daisies in any color.

Unknown said...

I love daisies and peonies!!!

There's No Place Like Memphis Mama said...

Stargazers are my favorite too! I used this as the main flower in my wedding as well =0)

Anonymous said...

remember when you asked me if you should name kitty buttons or tulip? hahaha!! I love lilies, tulips and purple pansies, and any color of hibiscus because those remind me of growing up.

TexanCouture said...

I love tulips & calla lilies

BRD said...

I love orchids, hydrangeas, and peonies! I am also new to your blog - love it!

Girl Meets Beau said...

Favorite flower....well I have a few! Hydrangeas, tulips, calla lilies, peonies and the list could go on and on!

d.a.r. said...

Stargazers are also my favorite!

Melissa said...

My favorite is the daisy!!!

Carissa Thilgen said...

I love tulips! I am pretty sure I am going to buy my mom some tomorrow for her birthday...

Em said...

I love love love tulips... any color. They are so simple and beautiful.

jlc said...

Stargazers are my FAVORITEEEEEE!! Gorgeous!!!

I miss our backyard in Texas SO much this time of year especially!!

Jules said...

I love peonies! They're so pretty, pink and fluffy.

I also really like daffodils. My grandmother had them planted in her garden when I was little and I remember picking them and making bouquets for her.

Unknown said...

I love love gardenias. We had a gardenia bush when I lived in Louisiana and I would always pick the flowers and put them in my hair so I could smell them all days long! I also have a love affair with wisteria, but that's not really a traditional "flower".

Erica said...

Love, love, love lillies!! I am also a big fan of hydreangas. Cala Lillies were used in my wedding....I wish i could see that bouquet everday!!

Erica said...

Love, love, love lillies!! I am also a big fan of hydreangas. Cala Lillies were used in my wedding....I wish i could see that bouquet everday!!

Unknown said...

After my wedding, I became in love with orchids. I LOVE them.

Mrs. Classic said...

I am catching up on posts today. We live in a condo today but I was so lucky to find some bulbs at Costco lately that were already going in vases. They have brightened up our condo. I posted photos of them today!