June 12, 2008

I Didn't Make Mac & Cheese...

I am dreaming of white sands and beautiful blue water today. I am at work and should definitely be working, and I have been, but all I can think of is getting to this beachy paradise. Next Friday I will be embarking on the infamous “family vacation” to Destin, Florida. I know for sure that it will be a complete blast but there are always those tiny thoughts that something could go terribly wrong. Nothing too terrible of course (as I pray for a safe drive and safe trip) just the usual events that arise due to having my brother Erik around. Erik is a rare breed…he can be completely hilarious one minute and then completely exhausting the next. Don’t get me wrong, I love him to pieces, but he is surely a rare breed. Since the time I was about 13 or so he has been terrorizing me with events such as chasing me with ice picks when I wouldn’t make him macaroni and cheese or leaving ransom notes on the bathroom counter for me to read when I would get out of the shower. One time in particular the ransom note was held against my cat, which Erik had evilly locked in a duffle bag and shut in the closet for me to buy back. I have to admit that I did…I bought my cat back for $10 out of fear that Erik would kill him if I didn’t. How hilarious he thought he was. Looking back I am almost sure that he would never have hurt me (notice I say almost) but at the time I half-way hated him.

Things have changes since then though…he hasn’t tried to kill me or anything else in at least 6 years so I would say all is well. Haha. My little brother isn’t so little anymore as he recently decided to join the United States Army. I believe it is his mighty destiny; he is already so proud and that makes me happy. He caught all of us a little off guard with his decision but we are all very proud of our soldier-to-be and will always keep him in our prayers.

So back to the trip…this will be the first time I have seen Erik since Christmas. I am anxious to see how he has changed after the intense training he has been through lately. For those of you who know Erik, he has always been a slight beanpole…a cute little beanpole, but a beanpole nonetheless. The last pictures that I saw of him showed a different brother, a man almost. I was a little emotional thinking of how grown-up he is now; I am very much looking forward to seeing him for vacation. I think this will be the best family trip yet since Erik and I get along these days and because my sweet husband will be coming along. Another plus is that one our friends is stationed at the Air Force base in Destin so we will get to see him as well. It should be good. I can’t wait in fact…I have already started getting my stuff together to pack, I dream daily of Pina Coladas and for the first time I am overly excited about a family vacation. Destin or bust!


Anonymous said...

Awwww.... little Erik. I was scared of him to be honest. Ice picks in particular have a small place in the back of my memory (not literally thank GOD) hahaha!! That will be a fun trip, and its different being adult siblings together. the army will change him and give him great skills that will shape the adult he will be! GO ARMY!!!!! and GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!

(Plus if Erik tries anything, Drew will be there to protect you!! hahaha)

Have a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.