June 19, 2008

Bring on the rain...

I know a lot of you out there will probably strongly disagree with me, but I love thunderstorms. The kind that you can see moving in from a distance…they seem so powerful and sudden. They remind me of when I was a kid and we would all sit in the garage to watch it rain. We would wait it out as long as we could (or as long as our parents would allow) and then inevitably, one overly powerful clap of thunder would boom and send us all running in different directions and to the safety of our homes. I remember feeling so brave sitting in the midst of rain and lightning…I also remember thinking you had to have on rubber shoes or you would surely get struck. How cool I thought I was… :)

It must really be thunderstorm season because today and yesterday have both brought downpours to Texas. As I sit at work, I am whole-heartedly wishing I could be home snuggling on the couch with a big blanket. I could watch some Food Network since I am shamelessly addicted and spend some much needed time with Drew. But no…I am stuck in the office with lights flickering and thunder roaring and I secretly wish that my computer would blow a fuse (if it is possible) so I could head home. But even if I left it would probably take me two hours to float home in Houston traffic so I will wait it out. I have quite a bit left to get done before tomorrow anyway since I am leaving for VACATION for a whole week (!!!) It would do me good to stay a little longer.

In other news, Drew is still thinking about what he wants to do career-wise. We certainly appreciate the prayers everyone has sent our way…it helps more than you know! We are learning to be patient and to have faith always. Good things come when you least expect them and besides we have so many things to be thankful for already.

T-minus two days until Destin so I probably won’t be posting too much more for a while (unless I think of something off the wall and ridiculous I want to share). Hopefully, we will return with great pictures and fun stories…maybe even a tan!

P.S. I love reading everyone’s blogs so keep posting!!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog... What part of Houston are you in. I am in the outskirts - Baytown. Have fun in Destin. Monelle

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog!!!! You and Drew need to make a baby so you guys can come play (and so you can take time off of work) miss and love you!! have an AWESOME vacation and take lots of pictures to post!!!

Harris Family said...

love the blog! have fun in Florida, can't wait to hear all about it. let's pray the rain doesn't follow you!

5th Belle Avenue said...

AH, your blog is beautiful!! Did you make the header yourself? I played around with Adobe Creative Suite to make ours. So fun!! Have fun in Destin. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try Bikram yoga when you get back!! I just googled it for our area and found the studio. Let me know if you decided to try it and I'll give you some pointers. Still praying for Drew!!