July 14, 2009

Don't Do It!!!!!!

It should come as NO SURPRISE to everyone that I am not a morning person. I fully admit that I can be a full-on grouch for a good portion of the morning hours and rarely become my usual self until at least 10 or after.

I usually have to peel myself out of the bed…walk directly to the coffee maker…sleepwalk to the shower…attempt to do my hair, makeup, pick out my clothes, etc…drive to work without falling asleep at the wheel (this would never happen, just an exaggeration)…and convince myself to walk into work. This is when IT happens…

GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate it.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it is nice to greet and be greeted in the morning and it is polite to do so but can we just say hello or hey or anything besides good morning?!?!?! For some reason I just can’t stand those two words together and no matter how hard I try to resist, they inevitably send me into a deeper state of grouchiness. It almost hurts me to hear these two words.

Is it just me?????


Lindsey said...

Hahaha that picture cracks me up!!

Amy Green @ Sweet Home Amy said...

Haha, girl I'm the same way! I hate those cheery words in the morning, all loud and obnoxious. You should read my post today, I posted about not being a morning person too!!

Mrs. Sarcasm said...

I agree 1000%!!! I get grumpier when someone is that cheery in the a.m.!

Annie said...

Not just you!
What I can't stand even more than that is my boss whistling down the hall to greet me good morning!
Seriously, are you that happy to be at work that you need to literally whistle while you work...it's fricken 8 in the morning give me a break! ha!

Alison said...

I can't have any kind of conversation before at least 9:00 am! I always tell my husband that if he talks to me before then that it's at his own risk! :)

Anonymous said...

You are SOOOO not alone. I hate mornings with a vengeance. My husband gets so annoyed at me because I am grouchy without even trying to be or even realizing it. It's best just to not speak to me until I've been at work for an hour or so...

Candice Pair said...

Heck no its not just you! I'm sure most people at work think I'm a total bi*ch but I just don't feel the need to say good morning or have any conversation prior till 10 a.m....then feel free to come talk to me :)

Anonymous said...

We are the same person. I am not a morning person. Kyle is. And so is his son. Needless to say, after a few months of marriage, Kyle learned it's best not to speak until spoken to. And don't tell me good morning. There is nothing good about being up that early.

5th Belle Avenue said...

Haha, well said. I am SOOO not a morning person. I could sleep the day away if it weren't for my alaram clock!

Unknown said...

I am not now, nor will I ever, be a morning person. Ever.

Anonymous said...

omg that picture cracks me up!!! where do you FIND these cute pictures?!?!