When I was little, I used to pretend that I worked at a pet hotel and that I was the receptionist. This, to a little girl of course, seemed like the most glamorous job in the world and besides, what could be more fabulous than working at a pet hotel, right? I would answer the phones (there were a lot of clients), take the payments (our services were expensive), and of course play with the animals (my stuffed animals including a Simba and Mufasa set) all day long.
Now that I am grown and have a “real job,” I hate doing paperwork – I basically despise it! Most things in this day in age can be completed and stored digitally but according to law (who cares) there are some things that must be handwritten and FILED. I can almost stand the writing part but it is the filing that kills me…
I wish I could go back to the days where my job was to play outside all day and pretty much do whatever I wanted. My best friend and I would spend countless hours doing the following:
*rollerblading (while putting on shows for which we charged our families to watch)
*hula hooping (badly)
*swimming (excellently)
*developing a lawn raking service (failed)
*riding bikes (with streamers, of course)
*eating popsicles (delicious)
I wish I would have known then how endlessly awesome all of that was but when you are little, all you want to do is grow up. Maybe I could take a few days off and do all of those things all over again…but I guess I have to work. Forget all that though, that receptionist job paid a million dollars so I should be set for a while. J
Now that I am grown and have a “real job,” I hate doing paperwork – I basically despise it! Most things in this day in age can be completed and stored digitally but according to law (who cares) there are some things that must be handwritten and FILED. I can almost stand the writing part but it is the filing that kills me…
I wish I could go back to the days where my job was to play outside all day and pretty much do whatever I wanted. My best friend and I would spend countless hours doing the following:
*rollerblading (while putting on shows for which we charged our families to watch)
*hula hooping (badly)
*swimming (excellently)
*developing a lawn raking service (failed)
*riding bikes (with streamers, of course)
*eating popsicles (delicious)
I wish I would have known then how endlessly awesome all of that was but when you are little, all you want to do is grow up. Maybe I could take a few days off and do all of those things all over again…but I guess I have to work. Forget all that though, that receptionist job paid a million dollars so I should be set for a while. J
If only we had known how easy we had it "back then" :-)
Those were the days!! :)
this is the best post ever... dont forget playing mermaids in the pool by putting rings on our ankles. we also jumped in the pool with shirts on one time and almost suffocated when we tried to breathe through the tangled fabric. i told rob that story the other night and he gave me the craziest look.... hahaha! hope your day is wonderful.
One can only dream...
I so miss being a kid sometimes.
..i too dreamed of being a receptionist, then ceo...then the pink power ranger. Im determined to do at least one!! =)
You make me miss the days my cousin and I would put on shows for our families and he was the scary mean villian and I was the narrator and we would make tickets for our family to come watch. I'd get so mad when they would start talking haha. We'd use my nanas bennie babies as props haha!
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