May 04, 2009

Honesty - Read All if Any

A crazy thing happened...I stopped caring about the blog.  At all.  I was asked today why I was blog slacking and you know what - this is a perfectly legitimate question that should be answered.

Here are some reasons why:

#1.  Life/work has been so incredibly busy - not really an excuse but thought I would throw it out there

#2.  I lost my inspiration.  I got tired of posting about purses and fashion and things that to me, are not all that important in the scheme of things.  BUT it seems like every time I posted something less then hilarious or with a slightly unhappy tone or too sarcastic or too personal, I would get horrible anonymous comments that in all honesty, would really piss me off.  I know that these people don't really know me and that I shouldn't care but let me let ya'll in on a little secret - I am an INCREDIBLY  sensitive person and I really take what people say to heart - even if I don't know them.  Everyone has a bad day once in a while and since this is my blog, my place to let it all out, I want to be able to write about things that may be a little less than happy-go-lucky and I don't want to be scolded for it.

In spite of all of this, I want to reiterate how much I love this blog and how much it has allowed me to experience.  I have gotten to read about people's happy times, sad times, hard name it.  The blog world is HUGE and allows for all sorts of emotions.  I have seen people get berated because they wrote about something that went against the grain and I have seen people unite to pray for babies, children, moms and dads and you can't deny how incredible that is. 

Sometimes my posts will be thoughtful and other times they will be completely brainless...but they are my posts nonetheless.  I am coming back into the blog world with a promise to myself - I will be me no matter what.  I will not shy away from posting sad stories nor hold back my happy times in fear of sounding self indulgent.  I will post pictures of my husband and I drinking on 6th Street with friends and not think twice about those who let me have it in the past because I had alcohol...God forbid.  

My BEST friends in the world read this blog and if they were the ONLY ones that read it I could care less.  That said, I appreciate wholeheartedly every single one of you that read this blog and let me  I thank all of you for letting me read YOUR posts and being so brave as to never back down from who you are.

I love my blog friends and I have missed this!!  It really is a great part of my life and the perfect place to let it all hang out.  Thank you for encouraging me and thank you for reading!


Am said...

You're blog friends have missed you too!

In This Wonderful Life said...

I like your blog a lot! Your post are honest..and that is a good thing! Just try to ignore those who are scared to even say their name but yet post comments.. welcome back :)

Rob and Amy said...


Anonymous said...

I missed you! Thank you for being so honest and open in this post, I enjoyed reading that side of you. I, too, am always so appreciative of people who are honest and not pretentious and share their lives as they are.
Welcome back!

Mrs. Sarcasm said...

Thank you for coming back. I am sensitive too and I understand completely. Do what you have to do and live your life for yourself, no one else. You are a strong person and it shows. You were missed!!!!

Mommy In Pink said...

Gosh, people suck sometimes! Be you, it is your blog and no one likes to be fake anyways..right?

KLC said...

anonymous mean comments are so dumb!! welcome back, love your blog xoxox :)

Unknown said...

Keep doing your thang, girl! I have missed your Martini Mondays, and now I know why you cut them out. Just be yourself ... those who don't like it can hide behind their anon comments and move on. Glad to see you back! :o)

MJW said...

Welcome back Ash!! I've missed your witty stories! :) Hope things are well with you! Take Care! :)

Meagan said...

I'm sorry you've had some rude readers! A blog is a place where you can let it all out. Your blog is exactly that.....YOURS!! So write on....We'll be here reading!

JennyLee said...

Glad you're back!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Glad you are back!!

Stephanie said...

I was just thinking about you the other day. I realized I hadn't seen a post from you in a while!

Good for you for taking a break. I actually just turned off anonymous comments, because I got an awful one...and it even bothered me! I never get worked up over what people think of me.

You should just be you. That is exactly what a blog is.

Amber said...

I'm very excited that you're back. I find that sometimes I give myself a blog break. Life is my first priority, not my blog!

Welcome back :)

d.a.r. said...

I've missed you!!! Sometimes, it is necessary to step away though, that's understandable. And the hateful comments kill me, too. I am so ultra sensitive!

BLC :o said...

I stopped by earlier to see you! I am soooo glad you are back, you were definitely missed. Cheers to being you. Xoxo-BLC

The Pink Chick said...

I have missed you! I'm so glad your back!

Anonymous said...

glad you're back!

it's your blog, write what ya want and move on.. who cares what anyone says! :)

Melissa said...

I've always loved your blog! I hope you stick to it!!

♥ H ♥ said...

I was going to ask you where the heck you have been woman!! I MISSED YOU TREE!!!

I understand being sensitive when it comes to letting those people not get to you, easier said than done. But we love you :) ANd get your drink on on 6th street!!

Lisa said...

I have enjoyed every last one of your posts - I'm so glad you're back! :)

Sarah Elizabeth said...

Glad you're back and standing up for yourself and your self expression! ♥

LWLH said...

Anonymous commenters are pathetic people that don't have the guts to write anything and have to bring down other people with negative comments...don't worry about them girl, keep doin you!! : )

Erica said...

You said it sista! I've been a little aprehensive with blogging lately also...I totally don't blame you at all! Just keep doin what you're doing and we'll still be reading! :)

Stephanie said...

Welcome back! I understand where you are coming from completely, but for every anonymous meanie post you have (at least) 50 others from people who adore you, enjoy your honesty, your funny posts, hearing about your great times and laughing along with you :)

Mrs.Shu said...

Glad your back!!! Although way easier said than done...don't let those silly people get to you. You have a great group of followers that accept you for you and wouldn't change a thing. Write about whatever the hell you want to write about!!! Love your blog!

Melia said...

Sorry you're dealing with all that! I think the best blogs are the ones where people are REAL and talk about what really matters to them! Say what you want- it is your blog! You could always block annonymous comments if you don't want to deal with it.

Tabitha said...

You are wonderful! Even though I don't know you, I feel proud of you for realizing the importance of being yourself, in spite of any opposition or ridicule you might receive from people who are bitter for one reason or another. You're great!

Anonymous said...

you are my sweet Ash. I love you. And I love what you write. Thanks for the encouragement to relax and write what I really want to write.

DietCokeStraightUp said...

I totally understand how you feel. If you ever share anything personal people just come out of the wood work and are so horrible!!! I have to say that I love your blog and although people can be cruel, I love the fact that you are honest!!!

Anonymous said...

aw i was the one who made the comment about your blog slacking. that being said, my job is boring and i read your blog every day. i love it, it makes me happy, and my day got a little more boring when you stopped! so thank you for coming back!!