April 20, 2009

Tide to the Rescue!

Looks like my new best friend for the next couple of days is going to be my trusty bottle of Tide. Apparently, I went on a strike from laundry and will now have to spend many nights washing, drying and putting away (the worst part if you ask me) a MOUNTAIN of laundry. My cats have basically made an obstacle course out of the piles of clothes…I am totally to blame!!


Jennifer said...

The putting away is the worst part and I am so bad about it! What really surprises me is how much laundry only 2 people can generate! Good luck!

Bethany said...

Looks like my laundry room on saturday...I MADE myself do it ALL!!!

kuhkjhkh said...

it's ok.. I always push off doing and then pay for it later!!! ugh! good luck

Melia said...

I SO need to do laundry this evening (and the rest of the week, actually). I agree that putting the clothes away is the worst part!!

Anonymous said...

Mine looks that like too! It's insane! Have fun with your date with Tide. :)

Anonymous said...

That looks like me, every Sunday morning!

Meagan said...

That looks familiar.....I feel your pain, especially about the whole "putting away" phase of laundry!

Simply Me said...

it builds up so fast! sometimes I think it's a secret hatred plot. How can it not be!

JennyLee said...

Putting away is definitely the worst part! You wouldn't believe how many little boys clothes fit in a washing machine!

Nessa said...

Gah! god luck!

GingerSnap said...

Ohhhh, I've totally been there before...actually I am there RIGHT NOW, but I am holding out for a couple more weeks...it's gonna be Baaaad.

Anonymous said...

i always have clothes on my table. i hate putting them away!!!!!

d.a.r. said...

Ugh that's what my closet looks like right now. I just keep closing the door hoping it will go away on its own. Hasn't happened yet...

Carissa Thilgen said...

my bedroom looks EXACTLY like that, minus the kitty. imagine a puppy instead :) I'm never sure what is worse, separating my laundry or putting clean clothes away, but I think you are right judging by the clean clothes in a stack near my closet-- putting it away is the worst! the only thing that trumps that is HAND WASHING! haha

Ashley Paige said...

Ahhh! I'm ashamed of how many laundry baskets full of CLEAN clothes I have lying around the house because I just can't bring myself to put them in their rightful place!! No, seriously.. maybe two? three? full baskets. At least it's all neatly folded so that I won't have to wash it again to get the wrinkles out.. Why does putting laundry away suck.. SO MUCH?!?! Haha.. I'm so glad I'm not alone!

Kelli said...

I'm right there with ya girl! I'm catching up on laundry now that we are done moving and it sucks!

Unknown said...

I love how your cat is staring at the pile wondering where the fun is... :)