April 06, 2009

Down with Taco C...

I am soooo bad...I haven't written a post since last Wednesday!!!  Things have been so incredibly busy.

Tonight was going to be the night that I got back into the swing of things but I just got home from work and I am almost certain I feel the early symptoms of food poisoning brought on by Taco Cabana.  Blahhhhhh.  That is how I feel - I am so not in the mood for food poisoning.



Miss Sweet Tea said...

Oh no! Feel better :)

Erin said...

Poor girl! Food poisoning is the worst! :-(

GingerSnap said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better...no more Taco Cabana for you!

Pink Bliss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oh no! i hate that! sorry, buddy....feel better!

jlc said...

Ugh... feel better hun!!

I got the worst bug from another TexMex restaurant like that. They are evil.

PS I realized the last comment on the previous post was WAY wrong. I got overly excited when I saw the iPhone that I thought you picked it.

Any winners thus far??? I rescheduled my shopping date for Thursday and think I might cave for that or a Bberry. You've convinced me to go big. ;)

Kelli said...

I'm sorry you feel bad! Get better soon!

Darci White said...

yikes - hope you feel better soon. hopefully it's just an upset stomach and nothing too horrible (trying to be an optimist here).

however, i have to tell you that i got food poisoning from a taco cabana in san marcos about 4 years ago and just can't even drive by one anymore without feeling sick to my stomach!

feel better!!

Niki said...

Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon!!

Sarah Glova said...

My boyfriend lived in Texas for a while and told me about Taco Cabana. Wish we had one here!!!!! Well... only if you don't get food poisoning. I'm sure you won't!!!! :)

Jennifer said...

I hope you feel better soon!

L!FE.in.the.P!NK.Lane said...

Oh no! I hope its not food poisoning! Feel better =)

♥ H ♥ said...

I hope you are feeling better! I love Taco C. Chicken taco with small chips and queso...could be why my butt got fat!

Jules said...

Yikes! I hope you feel better soon.