April 25, 2009

Our New Best Friend!

Yay!!  I have been wanting one of these for FOREVER and now, it finally lives in my kitchen!  I have mentioned this many times before but Drew and I are coffee lovers...cannot go to work without coffee.  Sad but true!

We loved our previous coffee maker but sadly (not really) it broke in the dishwasher this last time around.  Perfect reason to buy this little baby, right?  It is the Keurig Elite - one of those single cup coffee makers and I loooooooooove it!!  You can buy all sorts of varieties of coffees, teas and hot chocolates and the best part - it heats and brews your drink in about 30 seconds.  Oh sweet convenience, how I love you!  It is perfect for when you have friends or family over because usually no two people want the same thing.  They can pick whatever they want and go on with their bad selves.  :)

Love it!  XOXO


Sara said...

I've had a Tassimo for about four years now and it is the best $150 I EVER SPENT. And about six months ago Starbucks started making pods for Tassimo. Hello?! Starbucks coffee every morning and I don't even have to leave the house? HEAVEN.

Darci White said...

I'd love to have one of these too! However, I only drink coffee a few times a week, so I can't justify the expense......but my mom always wants coffee when she's here and she has to use those instant folgers singles things.

Hmmmmmm....maybe I'll start drinking coffee every morning? Glad you got it!

Sarah said...

YAY for you!!! My brother and SIL got one for Christmas and they love love love it!!! : )

BLC :o said...

I am OBSESSED!!! I don't even think I can remember how to make coffee thanks to that sucker. Hehe. Enjoy!! Xoxo-BLC

Carissa Thilgen said...

I have one of these too and I love it! my mom got it for me for christmas since I started drinking coffee more regularly. I blame that on her-- she is the manager of a starbucks! :)

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

We have one at work and it is FABULOUS! I really need to get one for home.

Anonymous said...

oh,yeah, that coffee pot rox!!!!