April 16, 2009


Check out this email that was just sent out COMPANY WIDE – I’m saying that everyone in the ENTIRE Company received this (CEO, President, etc):

"Would whoever borrowed the heavy duty 3-hole punch from the Accounting cubicle area (near the kitchen) please return it as soon as possible. We’d greatly appreciate it!


As if this is the ONLY 3-hole punch in the building…and check out the salutation…who does that?



Bethany said...


Anonymous said...

Wow...that just rendered me speechless. Someone has some cajones!

Mrs.Shu said...

Ummmm...wow. That's a bit awkward for the author of that email!

TexanCouture said...

wow lol

Anonymous said...

Fu-nny! :)

GingerSnap said...

ThanQ? Wierd - what's weirder is a company-wide email about a freakn hole puncher...

L!FE.in.the.P!NK.Lane said...

Some people are....interesting. Aren't they?! lol

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHAH!! I was seriously laughing out loud about this. ThanQ is the icing on the cake!

Cheap Wife said...

That's funny!
Gotta love office politics!

salwa said...

Think that was an accident? They're probably mortified right now...(though they should be anyway, thanQ indeed!)

Sarah Glova said...

hahaha I feel like that belongs in an episode of The Office, not in the real world!

Sarah Glova said...

hahaha I feel like that belongs in an episode of The Office, not in the real world!

Simply Me said...

I'm sitting here at my desk looking around thankful for my co workers :)

Melissa said...

That reminds me of the movie Office Space "have you seen my stapler?" I can't believe the whoel company got that! Crazy!!

Anonymous said...

lol who sends that!!!

♥ H ♥ said...

hahah what?!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

People are interesting ......
Enjoyed reading through your blog...I love th epolka dots on your side...love the colors..Hope you will stop by and visit me.

Shoshanah said...

You should see some of the e-mails our president has his secretary send out to the whole company! Rumor is some people have even quit over them

Jennifer said...

Seriously? The CEO stoled the 3-hole punch. Come on you know it...He would never ask his secretary to punch holes in something for him!


MJW said...

Wow that's pathetic! :)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Yep. I would definitely have to agree with some of your other commenters. There simply are no words for "thankq." I also have to admit that I have never seen that one before!

I’m what you might like to think as the very tail end of the SITS welcome wagon. While my cohorts all probably stopped by your blog in a timely manner, I instead took a different approach. I thought I would wait a while and then swing by and say, hey, you’re still a member!

Or maybe I’m just a big slacker who is finally getting back on the comment wagon. I’ll leave the interpretation up to you, but I urge you to seriously consider option #1! :)


Unknown said...

That is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time.