December 19, 2009

Who's cool and takes pictures with their cats? THIS GIRL!!!


First things first.

Oh blog, I am so very sorry for leaving you out in the cold for many months without so much as a weekly check-in. I have been selfish, mean and overall a horrible person to you. Please forgive me!! I'll buy you something really, really fabulous?? that we have THAT out of the way...HOW THE HECK ARE ALL OF YOU????

I have missed blogging soooooo much, I can't even tell ya! To be honest, I don't even have a good excuse for not keeping up with this thing other than the fact that...





I was just on blog burnout!!!!!!!! I had run out of products that I liked and recipes to share and had just given up on blogging 100% and didn't really care about it. But then today, after watching Love Actually (which is another story entirely), I logged on to the good old MacBook and without thinking...clicked on the good old blog.

So it hit me!!!! I don't have to be the perfect blogger...I can write about whatever I want even if no one thinks it is funny but ME!!!

So this is just a start. Not even a real post really. More to come soon though...

I'll leave you with a ridiculously unnecessary picture of me and my cat, a santa hat.




LWLH said...

Welcome back girl...that's right just blog for you...I bet alot of people dont like the stuff I write but I dont care! :)

d.a.r. said...

You look adorable!!

And yeah, I just babble on my blog. Not sure how anyone reads it, haha!

Jenny said...

ABSOLUTELY- no reason to apologize. Your blog is yours and you can say and do what you want on it! Glad to see you back though!

Alison said...

I'm glad you're back! I write about a lot of stuff that I'm sure people don't care about. It's your blog, just write about what makes you happy (or mad!). :)